
watch the captives

فلما قاربوا الكوفة اجتمع اهلها للنظر الیهن So, when they approached kufa, it’s people gathered to watch the captives… The arrival of the captive caravan

my little son

وقال لزینب ناولینی ولدى الصغیر حتى أودعه… And he said to zainab, “Bring me my little son so l can bid him farewell…” Hussain bin

burn the tents

يابن ذي الجوشن! أنت الداعي بالنار لتحرق على أهلي، أحرقك الله بالنار O son of Al_ Jawshan, are you the one calling for fire to

sad song

ثم نادت بصوت حزين يفزع القلوب Then she called out with a sorrowful voice that startled the hearts … zaynab al_kubrs(SA) in Yazid’s court source:

Meeting with God

هکذا ألقی الله مخضبا بدمی… Thus, l will meet Gad in the state of being dyed in my blood. Hussain bin Ali(AS) in the battlefield

Loyal companions

َمَّا بَعْدُ، فَإنِّی لَا أَعْلَمُ أَصْحَابًا أَوْفَی مِنْ أَصْحَابِی، But indeed, l do not know of any companions more loyal than my own companions. Hussain

Prophet of God

هَلْ مِنْ ذابٍّ یَذُبُّ عَنْ حَرَمِ رَسُولِ اللّهِ؟ Is there anyone willing to defend the sanctity of the Prophet of God? Hussain bin Ali(AS) after

daughters of God’s

فخرجن حواسر مسلبات حافیات باکیات… So, the daughters of God’s Messenger emerged from their tents, dressed in mourning clothes, barefoot, and weeping… While buying the

Qasim bin Al_Hasan

وقد وضع صدره على صدره… ثم قال اللهم لا تغفر لهم ابدا And he held the child to his chest… Then he said: “God, never

young child

O people, if you have no mercy for me, then at Least have mercy on this young child. Hussain bin Ali(AS) while asking for water

Prayers of Imam Hossein (a.s)

Prayers of Imam Hossein (a.s)

O God, cleanse us and make us pay attention to the right path and accept our supplication. O the best person to be asked for